Confidentiality policy

General termsThis confidentiality policy (hereinafter - the Policy) was developed for (hereinafter - the Site). Site data management is carried out by the CO "VIDOMI" Charitable Fund", USREOU code 44989812, a legal entity registered in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine (hereinafter - the CO).
Compliance with confidentiality is important for the CO since the purpose of the Policy is to ensure the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen in the processing of his personal data, including the protection of right to inviolability, as well as against unauthorized access and disclosure.
The CO within the framework of the current legislation of Ukraine protects the confidentiality of personal data (information or a data set) about an individual or alegal entity (hereinafter - the User) who is identified or can be specifically identified, thereby creating and ensuring the most comfortable and safe conditions for using the Site services for every User.
This Policy establishes the procedure for the processing of personal data by the CO, the types of personal data collected, the purpose of such personal data usage, the interaction of the CO with the third parties, security measures to protect personal data, conditions of access to personal data, as well as contact information for the User to obtain access, amend, block or delete his/her personal data and apply with any questions the User may have regarding personal data protection practices.
By using our Site you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Policy, the processing of personal data such as name, region of residence, e-mail address, contact phone number, IP address and other information, the collection and processing of which is provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine.

Personal data collection and useThe owner and administrator of the personal data of the Site Users is the CO "VIDOMI" Charitable Fund". All information is aggregated and processed in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
Personal data means information or a data set about the User who is identified or can be identified. When the User uses the services of the Site, the Company processes the User's data, namely:
- data directly and voluntarily provided by the User both when filling out registration forms, request forms, and in the process of using services;- cookie files;- IP addresses;- parameters and settings of Internet browsers (user-agent);- other data that the User provides voluntarily, including those provided in the process of filling out forms on the Site.BO collects only those personal data (for example, the User's first and last name, e-mail address, contact phone number, date of birth, gender, etc.) that are knowingly and voluntarily provided by the User as a subject of personal data for the purpose of use services of the Site.
When visiting the Site, all logins to the system are recorded. Other information about the User's traffic is not processed or stored.
The CO is limited to the collection of the minimum amount of information necessary exclusively to fulfill the request of the subject of personal data. When optional information is requested, the User will be notified at the time such information is collected.
The CO does not collect information for the processing of which certain requirements or prohibitions are established by legislation, such as information about racial or ethnic origin, about political, religious or ideological beliefs, membership in political parties and trade unions, about serving a criminal sentence in connection with the committing a crime or conviction, as well as data related to health, sexual life, biometric or genetic data (in accordance with Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection").
The CO collects data on statistics of the Site visits. The information may contain information about the connection, traffic, the User's browser, as well as about the date, time, duration of work in the Internet and stay on the Site.

Personal data processingThe processing and storage of the provided personal data is carried out in the data centers where the equipment that ensures the functioning of the Site services is located. The provided personal data is processed and may be stored in the personal data base or a separate table of the Site database.
Purposes of personal data usageThe User's personal data is used to ensure the provision of Internet services of the Site in compliance with the laws of Ukraine, including, but not limited to: "On Personal Data Protection", "On the ratification of the Convention on the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data and the Additional minutes to the Convention on the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data regarding Supervisory Bodies and Cross-Border Data Flows", "On Information", as well as other acts regulating the activities of the CO.
Personal information that you have provided to us through our Site will be used for the purposes specified in these rules or on the relevant pages of the Site. We may use your personal information for the following purposes:
– administration of our Site;
– sending you electronic newsletters, if you have ordered it (you can at any time inform us that you no longer wish to receive electronic newsletters from us);
- provision of the depersonalized (that is, such that does not allow identification of specific users) statistical information to the third-party companies;
– handling inquiries and complaints made by you or about you and relating to our website;
– in order to ensure the security of our site and prevent fraud;
- for other purposes that do not contradict international and Ukrainian legislation.
Period of personal data storagePersonal data is stored for the period established by the current legislation of Ukraine.
We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to monitor our Site's activity and store information.
Cookie files are text file or files containing a small amount of information that are sent to the web browser and stored on the User's device. Tracking technologies are used to improve and analyze the Site. Such devices can include a computer, mobile phone or other device with which the User visits the Site. You can refuse all optional cookie files at any time.
Cookie files can be perpetual (they are called permanent cookies) and are stored on the computer until the User deletes them or temporary (such cookies are called session), that is, they are stored only until the browser is closed. In addition, cookies are divided into basic (they are set directly by the visited website) and third-party cookies (they are set by other websites).
When the User visits the Site again, the cookie data is updated. In most cases, the web browser by default allows the automatic saving of cookies on the User's device. Disabling cookies may lead to restricted access to the published materials and/or poor functioning of the Site's services.
According to the classification of the International Chamber of Commerce the CO uses the following categories of cookie files:
Strictly necessary cookies, which are required to transfer the User around the web page and when using certain services (for example, to access the protected pages).Operational cookies that aggregate information about how the Site is used. This data is stored on the User's device between web browser sessions. Examples of such data can be the following metrics: time spent on the Site, the most frequently visited pages, understanding which sections and services of the Site were the most interesting for the User. All information collected using operational cookies is intended for statistical and analytical purposes. Some cookie data may be provided to the third parties authorized by the web resource, and exclusively for the above-mentioned purposes.Functional cookies, which are used to save the parameters of changes. They are stored on the User's device between web browser sessions. Examples of such data may be the following metrics: the User's name, the Site's language, location, information on whether the User has been provided with any information or selected benefits before, as well as other Site settings. These cookies also enable the User to interact with social networks. Some cookie data may be provided to the third parties authorized by the web resource, and exclusively for the above-mentioned purposes.Target cookies used to provide content that may be interesting to the User. This data is stored on the User's device between web browser sessions. Examples of such data can be the following metrics: tracking of recommended text, graphics, audio and video material, information about the User's visit of other resources during the transitions, as well as other parameters of the Site setting .Cookie files of third-party services and analytics services, which are used for prompt delivery, better display and detailed analysis of content on the Site. The CO uses services owned by other third-party websites, such as Instagram, Google and others. The websites given as an example may use cookies on the User's device while working on the Site. Please note that the Site cannot affect the operation of cookies used by these services.You can learn all the necessary information about the use of cookies by visiting the appropriate resource. Among them:
Google Analytics Terms of Use

Main web browsers (listed below) are set to automatically accept cookies. To disable them, use the help function in your browser. Help can be called through the menu or using the F1 button. You can familiarize yourself with the procedure for regulating the operation of browsers with cookie files by visiting the following links:
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Safari for macOS
The configuration of cookie settings for the web browsers on mobile devices may differ. It should be recalled that full-fledged work with the Site is possible only with the use of cookies. Disabling cookies can lead to restricted access to the Site's content and poor functioning of the Site's services.

To contact the CO regarding the use of cookies send a message via e-mail to: .TEN.RKU%40AU-IMODIV

If the User does not enable the use of cookies or intentionally deletes all cookies from his web browser, the User will be prompted again to enable and use cookies upon subsequent visits to the Site. Information about Users, obtained with the help of cookies, is not sold or distributed in public, and is also the property of the CO.

Interaction with other resourcesWhen the User uses the services on the pages of the Site, the codes of other Internet resources and third parties may be present, as a result of which such Internet resources and the third parties receive the User's data. Therefore, these Internet resources can receive and process information that the User has visited these pages, as well as other information transmitted by the User's browser.
Such Internet resources can be social network plugins (for example, Facebook, Instagram)The use of the specified services of the Company is necessary for the operational analysis of the visits of the Site, internal and external evaluation of visits of the Site, visit depth, users activity. The CO does not store or process data received from these services. Accordingly, if the User for any reason does not want the specified services to have access to his personal data, the User can at his own will log out of his account or profile and clear the cookies through his browser.
Interaction with the third partiesThe CO does not transfer personal data tothe third parties, except when such transfer takes place in the order and under the conditions established by the current legislation of Ukraine.
The Company understands that personal information is valuable and integral part of the personal non-property rights of any individual or legal entity, and therefore takes all possible measures to protect the personal information of Users voluntarily and knowingly provided by the last to the CO.
The Site may contain links to other websites (exclusively for informational purposes). If you link to other websites, this Policy will not apply to those websites. In this regard the CO recommends you to familiarize yourself with the confidentiality and personal data policy of each website before transmitting personal data by which the User can be identified.
Privacy of activityInformation about the activity (traffic) of the Users on the Site which go through the Internet or the User's e-mail is protected in accordance with the law. That is, the CO does not in any manner or way violate the secrecy of the User's "activity" when the latest uses the services of the Site.
Personal data protectionThe CO uses generally accepted standards of technological and operational protection of information and personal data against loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. However, despite its best efforts, the CO cannot guarantee absolute security against any threats arising outside the scope of the CO regulation.
The CO ensures the application of all relevant confidentiality obligations, as well as technical and organizational security measures to prevent unauthorized or illegal disclosure or processing of such information and data, their accidental loss, destruction or damage.
On behalf of the CO the access to the information and personal data is limited to only authorized employees who need this information to process data on behalf of the CO and who have agreed to ensure the confidentiality of such information and data in accordance with the CO requirements.
The dissemination of personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data or a person authorized by him is allowed in cases defined by the law and only (if necessary) in the interests of national security, economic well-being and human rights.
Terms of access to personal dataThe procedure of access to the personal data of the third parties is determined by the terms of the User's consent given to the owner of personal data for the processing of this data or in accordance with the requirements of the law.
The user has the right to receive any information about himself from any subject of relations related to personal data, provided that he indicates the surname, first name and patronymic, place of residence (place of stay) and the details of a document identifying the requesting individual or legal entity, except for the cases established by the law.
The User's access to the personal data about himself is free of charge. The postponement of the User's access to his personal data is not allowed.
Rights of the personal data subjectAccording to the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection" the User as a personal data subject has the following rights:
- to know about the sources of collection, the location of his personal data, the purpose of their processing, the location or residence (stay) of the personal data owner or controller or to provide the appropriate instructions to obtain this information by the authorized persons, except for the cases established by law;- to receive information about the conditions of access provision to personal data, in particular, information about the third parties to whom the personal data is tranmitted;- to have access to his/her personal data;- to receive no later than thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, except for the cases provided for by the law, a response on whether personal data is being processed, as well as to receive the content of such personal data;- to advance a reasoned demand to the personal data owner with the objection to the processing of his/her personal data;- to advance a reasoned demand to change or destroy his/her personal data by any owner and controller of personal data if this data is processed illegally or is unreliable;- to protect his/her personal data from illegal processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to the deliberate concealment, failure to provide or untimely provision, as well as the right for protection from the provision of information that is unreliable or discredits the honor, dignity and business reputation of an individual or legal entity;- to file complaints about the processing of his/her personal data to the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine or to the court, to apply legal remedies in case of violation of the legislation on the personal data protection;- to enter a reservation regarding the limitation of the right to process his/her personal data when giving consent;- to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data;- to know the mechanism of automatic processing of personal data;- to protect against an automated decision that has legal consequences.
To renew, access, amend, block or delete your personal data, withdraw consent to the processing of personal data which the User has given to the CO in accordance with this Policy or in the event of any comments, wishes or claims regarding the User's personal data which are processed by the CO the User is obliged to contact the CO with a corresponding application via e-mail address: .TEN.RKU%40AU-IMODIV
Security of minorsThe site is not intended for the underage Users. The company takes security issues seriously, especially with regard to minors, and therefore on its behalf the CO appeals to parents to explain to their children the issue of Internet security, their specific purpose and the need to use certain services of the Site.
Change of policyAmendments and additions may be introduced to this Policy from time to time and without prior notice to the User, including in case of changes in legislative requirements. In case of amendments to this CO Policy a corresponding notice will be posted on the CO Site indicating the date of entry into force of these amendments. If within the specified period the User does not refuse to accept them in writing, it will mean that the User agrees with the relevant amendments to the Policy. Please review the Policy from time to time in order to be aware of any amendments or additions.